The creator of the truthforchildren website was asked, "With all of the sunday school material out there already, why are you doing these lessons; what is different about them?"  I cannot think of a
better way to introduce the site than to answer this excellent question.  
The simple truth is that there just aren't any materials available now that
are designed to teach children the true Gospel of God's free grace in Christ Jesus.

Most of what is available seems to be based upon the premise that young children
cannot really be taught sound doctrine, so the best we can do is entertain them with
puzzles and games so they'll be quiet while the grown ups are learning.  This website
rejects this concession.  Children not only can be taught the basic, sound Gospel truths of scripture,
but it must be done; it is especially important that it be done, while they are young.

If there is any teaching at all in what is already available, it is man-centered, that is, its focus is on
human behavior, which in any form is exactly what scripture, all through, denounces as unprofitable.  
To teach children how they are supposed to act is not Gospel teaching.  How people act, children and
adults, is only the symptom.  It is like treating appendicitis with pain killers.  It might alleviate the
symptom, but it will never solve the problem.  Man's problem, men, women, boys and girls, is that we
need Christ.  We are sinners and need the Savior.  We need Christ our sin-offering and righteousness.  
If we ever come to know Him, then we will, by His grace, honor Him and follow Him.

So, children must be, not only taught doctrine, but introduced to a Person, the Son of God, the victorious
Savior of sinners, the Lord Jesus Christ.  The currently available commercial sunday school material is
contrary to that purpose.  What you will find on this website will help you to do that, if you yourself
know the Lord Jesus.  You cannot, with the best of help, teach anyone of Someone that you do not
yourself know.  So may the Lord send forth laborers, and may He bless this website and all it contains,
to the glory and honor of the great and mighty Redeemer of sinners, the Lord Jesus Christ, and to the
eternal good of His little children, young and old.


This site is dedicated to the teaching of the truth of the Gospel using terms and illustrations a young
child may understand. All Sunday school lessons available on the site are 
copyrighted  ©, and the result of countless hours of labor and devotion by
several individuals.  However, our desire is not to restrict, but to further the use
of the materials.  Any or all Sunday school lesson(s) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system or transmitted, in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording
or otherwise, under any and all of the following conditions: 

The download of a Sunday school lesson plan indicates your agreement to these terms of use.


All lessons are free, complete and provided in .pdf format. The lessons are sorted by the books of the Bible,
specifically the Old and New Testament . Each Sunday school lesson is written for children ages
pre-school thru elementary.

All sunday school lessons include the following:

The sunday school lessons may also include the following, as dictated by the sunday school lesson plan objective: